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Happy couple enjoying streaming internet

Unlimited Internet

Get ready to stream your favorite falls shows, work and study from home, or game more with faster, symmetrical speed internet.

Gig speed internet I No contracts I No throttling

See your speeds here – shop now and save

Symmetrical Speeds


The same speed up and down means better performance for cloud applications, streaming, and gaming. No more lag!

Unlimited Internet


There are no data caps or overage fees. Ever

No Contracts


Never share a connection with neighbors or through a cell tower.

TV Services


Get the best price without unwanted additions.

Unlimited Calling Plans


No price increases like the cable and phone companies.


Wi-Fi that really works

The eero Pro 6E router is the best in mesh Wi-Fi tech. Blanket your whole home with Wi-Fi you can count on.

eero Pro 6E + ConnectCare Benefits

  • Faster internet with lower latency
  • Automatic security updates
  • Control who’s on your Wi-Fi
  • Create a guest network
  • Easy to use app with more features
  • Technical support and full device coverage and warranty with ConnectCare – we take care of it all!

A  few words from our customers


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4.8 Stars - Based on 3228 User Reviews
Andrew was not only helpful and timely, he was friendly, too! He had on protective slippers on his shoes, which was great being that I have a huge plush rug in the area he needed to be in. We briefly chatted about music, and he gave me some pointers on hardwiring my devices as well as helped me remove a panel from my entertainment center to avoid having to move it again! 6/5.
Asia McNair Avatar
Asia McNair

The Highest Internet Speeds
To Handle All Your Needs

Upload photos, stream music, and play online games … all at the same time without any lag or buffering. BAI Connect offers lightning-fast, symmetrical speeds for upload and download so you’ll have the best of both worlds.

Symmetrical Speeds
Symmetrical Speeds

Symmetrical Speeds

with BAI Connect Internet

Symmetrical means that bandwidth is the same in both directions; download and upload speeds are the same. Having equal upload speeds makes a difference for:

Video Streaming

Symmetrical connections allow you to stream with higher quality, applies to both entertainment applications and video call/chat platforms.

Cloud Applications & File Uploads

Uploading data, presentations & videos to the cloud are faster and easier with faster upstream capabilities.


Having symmetrical speeds and low latency improves gaming performance vs. traditional cable and DSL connections. Crush your competition or just have a better real-time experience! Check it out with VR and AR and all your favorite games.

Direct Peering

Get the content you want straight from the source. BAI Connect High Speed Internet lets you Direct Peer with just about everyone from Netflix to Google to Amazon. It’s like an information expressway straight to your doorstep. Which means you get those sites better and faster than everyone else. Here are just a few of our direct peers.

Direct Peers

First full month and fourth month of subscribed internet service free. Services and speeds are subject to availability. Autopay and online billing required. Offer applies to first-time residential internet customers. Former BAI Connect customer accounts not in good standing or canceled in the last 70 days are not eligible. Customers that are returning after 71 days since disconnect and are in good standing are welcome. Offer includes ConnectCare powered by eero for one year, regular rates apply thereafter. Free installation offer will waive the $99 standard installation cost. Additional wiring or customization may require additional cost. Advertised internet speeds based on a wired connection, speeds and services may vary based on equipment, number of devices, location, unit wiring, etc. Offer, speeds and prices subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. Offer expires 3/31/2024